Application of Statistical Machine Learning Methods in the Analysis of Health Texts and Images
Month: February 2023
Webinar on the use of Turnitin and text creation tools using artificial intelligence
Webinar on the use of Turnitin and text creation tools using artificial intelligence
Announcement for the courses Experimental Design and Computational Statistical Techniques
Announcement for the courses Experimental Design and Computational Statistical Techniques
Student information event on the Erasmus+ for Studies and Internships programme for the academic year 2023-24
Student information event on the Erasmus+ for Studies and Internships programme for the academic year 2023-24
Extension of course registrations
Extension of course registrations
Teaching Schedule for Spring Semester 2022-23 (completed with classrooms)
Teaching Schedule for Spring Semester 2022-23 (completed with classrooms)
Declarations of second and fourth semester courses
Declarations of second and fourth semester courses
Payment of Entrance Fees (correct repetition)
Payment of Entrance Fees
Notice of Elections for the election of student representatives and their alternates to the Assembly of the Academic Department of Statistics and Insurance Science
Notice of Elections for the election of student representatives and their alternates to the Assembly of the Academic Department of Statistics and Insurance Science Nomination application for student representation at the student assembly of the STA department
PWC in collaboration with the University of Piraeus and the Liaison Office is organizing an online webinar on 15/02 and time 11:00 – 13:00 assurance graduate Login link