Online talk by Gelly Mitrodima, Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Year: 2023
PwC Consulting intake – Professional opportunities in the consulting industry
Generic Job ad_Consulting intake
Extension of thesis (MES20 part-time)
Extension of thesis (MES20 part-time)
Extension of the period for dissertations (MES21 full-time)
Extension of the period for dissertations (MES21 full-time)
Announcement for the elective courses
Announcement for the elective courses
Thesis presentation E. Papaioannou
Evaluation of individual and team performance in basketball games
Thesis presentation A. Patμίου
The dose-response model and its applications in biostatistics
Speech by Rodrigue Kazzi, Department of Economics and Political Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Model uncertainty assessment for unimodal right-skewed distributions
FULBRIGHT GREECE: Announcement of Academic Year 2024-2025 Scholarship Programmes for Greek Citizens
FULBRIGHT GREECE: Announcement of Academic Year 2024-2025 Scholarship Programmes for Greek Citizens
Speech by Rodrigue Kazzi, Department of Economics and Political Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Model uncertainty assessment for unimodal right-skewed distributions