΄΄Στατιστικές Μέθοδοι στα Χρηματοοικονομικά΄΄
Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών στην
'' Εφαρμοσμένη Στατιστική ''
Δυνατότητα για εξ αποστάσεως φοίτηση
Infrastructure and Services
The lectures of the Graduate Program courses take place in the classrooms of the University of Piraeus.
In the new facilities, the «Themistoklion Compound» of the University of Piraeus in Nikaia (former Olympic Indoor Weightlifting Arena), there is the Computer Laboratory of the Master Program (Room E12) equipped with 28 computer stations and available for the exclusive use of the students of the Program. The Program’s Computer Laboratory is used for the lab classes of courses having a laboratory component as well as for the practical training of the Program’s students. Special technical personnel oversee the supervision and the access control to the laboratory.
The software available for use in the Computer Lab includes, among others: Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, etc.), SPSS, SAS, Statgraphics, S-PLUS, Mathematica, R Programming Language, etc.
After registering for the Program, each student can obtain a membership ID card for the central library of the University of Piraeus, which provides free access to all services provided by the library. The University library has a collection of more than 80,000 book titles and 600 journal titles in printed form, which is constantly enriched with new titles. The computerized archiving system and the access to electronic databases and digital libraries provide rapid search capabilities for educational and research purposes. More than 6,000 journal titles are available to member-users via the library’s electronic services, with the ability to print any article, in full.
Access to the library which is located in the 2nd basement, is from the ground floor of the main building of the University. There is also easy access for people with disabilities. The library consists of three main areas: Lending Area, the Bookshelves Area, Reading Room.
In the Lending area there are terminals to be used for searching the library’s bibliographic collection, photocopiers for providing photocopying services with special charge cards, and an Electronic Information Kiosk with a touch screen providing general information about the University and the library’s services. All members of the University have free access to the Bookshelves Area. In the Reading Room one can find display cases with the current and past year’s magazines, as well as information material and aids for use by students exclusively in the Reading Room area, during its opening hours.
For the smooth operation of the Reading Room and to ensure a comfortable and quiet study environment, users are required to follow basic rules of good behavior. Smoking and the consumption of food and drinks are prohibited. A special security system is activated every time a publication has not been properly borrowed before leaving the library area.
The journals and books mainly cover the scientific areas of interest of the faculty members of the University’s Departments. The collection includes various publications of private and public organizations as well as audiovisual material on CD-ROM and videotapes.
The library’s operating hours cover the University’s operating hours. The Library, Reading Room and Lending Center operate daily from 8 am to 8 pm to serve users. The library is staffed by experienced librarians and technical staff who are at the disposal of users daily during the library’s operating hours.
The main services offered by the library to the member- users are:
In addition to the above services, the library provides access to European Union material, through Digital Repository of the European Documentation Centre, as well as cooperation services with other Greek libraries through the Heal-Link.
Healthcare. Graduate students are entitled to healthcare (medical and hospital) for the entire period of study increased by half. Each student is given a Healthcare Card which is renewed each year. The University Medical Clinic provides information regarding the primary health services provided by the Clinic and issues health certificates for admission to university clubs, student institutions, dormitories and other places of student residence (Ground Floor of the Main building, 80 Karaoli and Dimitriou Str., tel. 210-4142166).
Student transportation tickets. To facilitate student travel by public transportation, a discount is provided on the regular ticket price. This discount is provided for the entire academic year and for as many years as are required for the normal duration of studies, increased by half. Those entitled to a reduced ticket price are granted a Special Ticket valid for a year which is annually renewed.
Textbooks – Books – Statistical software. Course notes are distributed by the instructors free of charge to the students, for each course of the Program. A library membership card is issued to all students of the Program which gives access to printed and electronic material for the University library. The University has also arranged for the necessary software licenses for the statistical software used in the Master’s Program of Study.
Internet access. All graduate students are provided with Internet access credentials (with VPN connection to the University) and an academic e-mail address.
Performance scholarships. Upon completion of the second semester of studies, up to 3 scholarships are awarded each year to graduate students based on their academic performance (see article 12 of the graduate regulations).
Internships. To gain work experience, graduate students during the 2nd year of their studies are offered the opportunity to participate in 4-month internship programs (between November 1 and May 31) closely related with their field of study. The Graduate Program is not obliged to pay remuneration to the interns but assumes the cost of the corresponding insurance coverage. The participation requirements (for 2nd-year full-time students) are: (a) successful completion of at least eight (8) courses by the September examination period of the 1st year of studies and (b) a grade point average (GPA) of seven (7) or higher.
Nice Building Complex
University of Piraeus
Main Building
University of Piraeus
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