Department of Statistics and Insurance Science

΄΄Στατιστικές Μέθοδοι στα Χρηματοοικονομικά΄΄
΄΄Στατιστικός Έλεγχος Ποιότητας΄΄

Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών στην
'' Εφαρμοσμένη Στατιστική ''

Κατεύθυνση : ΄΄ Βιοστατιστική΄΄
Από το Ακαδημαϊκό Έτος 2019-2020
Παρέχεται η δυνατότητα μερικής φοίτησης
΄΄Στατιστικές Μέθοδοι στην Επιστήμη Δεδομένων (Data Science)΄΄
Δυνατότητα Πρακτικής Άσκησης

Δυνατότητα για εξ αποστάσεως φοίτηση

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University of Piraeus



Program of Study

Employment Opportunities


The primary goal of the Master’s Program in Applied Statistics is to provide the students with a solid foundation of knowledge and tools for scientific research, which will enable them to continuously improve and advance, whether they choose to enter the workforce after completing their studies or decide to continue with studies at the PhD level.

The professional career paths of the graduates of the Program to date show that they can competently:

  • Staff public organizations, special units of ministries and public organizations, as well as departments of higher education institutions where specialized statistical knowledge is required.
  • Work productively in polling and market research companies, pharmaceutical companies, statistical branches of large healthcare facilities, planning and study centers of major banking institutions, financial services companies, etc.
  • Teach in continuing education programs and training seminars, aiming to familiarize workers professionally involved in relevant fields with statistical concepts and methods as well as young individuals to be employed in the future in broader professional fields that make use of statistical techniques.

Indicatively, graduates of the Master’s program in Applied Statistics have been employed in organizations such as the following:

Antoniou Stella: “I work at the National Statistical Service of Greece, at the regional office of Statistics of the Prefecture of Rodopi in Komotini. The job of the regional offices is mainly to collect data, check and code questionnaires and send them to the Central Office for processing. We collect data on the Consumer Price Index, the Labour Force Survey (from which the unemployment and employment indicators of the population are derived), the Physical and Migratory Movement of the population, Animal and Livestock Capital, Industrial Indicators, Income and Living Conditions of Households, Family Budgets, Education, Traffic Accidents, etc.”

Antonopoulou Efthymia: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2011. I work at National Insurance as a distinguished insurance consultant in the most nerve-racking and lively part of the company, that of sales. My studies played an important role in this. Every day, I seek to provide proper guidance and resolution of the insurance issues that each individual or business has by providing information in order to properly take on the risk at hand.”

Dontos Georgios:“I completed my studies at the MSc in 2012. I work at ERGOSE SA as Head of the Schedules and Costs Inspection Department. The objects of my work include:

  • Literate Statistical Programming with R (Literate Statistical Programming).
  • Development of data analysis products (R, shiny, solidify, rCharts).
  • Collecting, organizing, inspecting and processing/evaluating time, cost and financial data of the company’s projects
  • Data analysis (time and cost overruns in project construction / analysis of achievement of corporate objectives / analysis of time series of absorption of Community funds, etc.)
  • Creation and management of a database of cost data for technical projects. Estimation of the unit cost of construction of works.”

I consider that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are quite useful in my work, and that my expectations from it have been fulfilled to a very large extent.”

Elefteraki Anastasia: “Since October 2007 I have been employed as a biostatistician at the Hellenic Cooperating Oncology Group (HECOG). The company is a non-profit organization with the purpose of cancer research. I am involved in the design of clinical trials (sample size, power) as well as data management-analysis for the purpose of publishing the results.”

Dimitrios Kalamaras: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2005. I am working in the business consulting company System Consulting SA in the management of projects and studies. I consider that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work, and that my postgraduate diploma helped me a lot professionally. My expectations from the MSc have been fulfilled to a very large extent.”

Konstantinos Kanistras: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2014. I work at IRI as a Modeling Statistician. The objects of my work include:

  • Working in Analytics with large datasets
  • Designing and managing data, building models and assessing their quality
  • Designing experiments and assessing their results
  • Developing and designing monitoring process for model performance”

I think that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work, and that my Master’s degree has helped me a lot professionally.”

Kapodistrias Nikos: “I work at the National Statistical Service of Greece, in the General Directorate of Statistical Research, in the Economic and Short-term Indicators Directorate. My Department is responsible for the collection on a monthly basis of the turnover/sales and new orders of all industrial enterprises of our country, of any sector of economic activity. Our aim is to compile short-term indicators (e.g. Industrial Production Index) to show the evolution of the market for goods and services and the evolution of demand for goods and services, as an indication of future production. At the same time and in cooperation with other Departments, we have been entrusted with the compilation of the data of statistical work-researches provided for by Community Regulations (at all stages of the production process), the control of their comparability and the preparation of a study on ways to improve the process of statistics production in the following areas:

  • The systematic adaptation of statistical work to the concepts, definitions and classifications required for the compilation of National Accounts.
  • Consistency of data between different surveys (similar statistics from reliable and more appropriate data sources).
  • Avoiding duplication between the various investigations in order to reduce the administrative burden on the undertakings being investigated.
  • The preparation of specifications for the application of the study to the aforementioned surveys.”

Karatisoglou Despina:“I have been working at EFG EUROLIFE since 2006. It is the Insurance Company of EFG EUROBANK Group. I work in the life sector. My job involves managing individual/group life policies through the Bank’s network. But I have also been involved with the network of Agents and Open 24.”

Kostsovolos Efstathios: “I work as a junior manager in ALPHA BANK’s Business Centres Division. There, I receive requests from clients for approval of financing-grants of more than EUR 5 million (i.e. having a total turnover of more than EUR 2.5 million and up to EUR 75 million). I also work in the same area of credit analysis, in order to minimize the risk of bad debts.”

Liourka Dimitra: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2008. I work at the Ministry of Finance, specifically at the General Accounting Office of the State and the Directorate of Planning, Fiscal Data and Methodology. The objects of my work are:

  • Creation and updating of a code of best practice for all general government bodies on how to compile, collect and certify financial data:
  • Monitoring of the methodological issues of ESA 2010, Eurostat guidelines and decisions.
  • Establishment of a single chart of accounts for the general government agencies.

I think that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work, and that my Master’s degree has helped me a lot professionally. The curriculum was well designed and provided you with the opportunity to choose the further specialisation you wanted from among modern and interesting directions.”

Limberopoulos Dimitrios:“I completed my studies at the MSc in 2006. I continued my studies at PhD level and today I am a PhD student of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science. After completing my PhD studies, I am working as a postdoctoral researcher on “Developing new results for pattern occurrence latencies and using theoretical models to study real data/applications”. I think that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work.”

Manolia Stamatina: “I completed my studies in the MSc in 2012. I work at the University of Piraeus as a member of the H.I.P. both before and after completing my studies in the MSc, while I am currently in the process of writing my PhD thesis at the University of Ioannina. I consider that the knowledge and skills gained from the MSc are very useful in my work, and that my expectations from the MSc have been fulfilled to a very large extent.”

Markakis Marios: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2014. I work at the IRI Company (ANALYTICS CENTRE OF EXELENCE (ACE)). The objects of my work include:

  • Using math and statistics to generate quantifiable results.
  • Designing and managing data, building models and assessing their quality
  • Compile, analyze, and report data to explain economic phenomena and forecast market trends, applying mathematical models and statistical techniques.

I think that the knowledge and skills that I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work, and overall my postgraduate degree has helped me a lot professionally. My expectations from the MSc have been fulfilled to a very large extent”.

Michalari Eleni: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2015. I work at ALTEC Software in the Insurance Applications department. The main focus of my work is the development, implementation and support of consulting and training services for banking and insurance organizations. I find that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are useful in my work and that my Master’s degree has helped me professionally.”

Bafas Panagiotis: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2009. I work at Accenture as a statistical analyst and business consultant. The scope of my work in the Company is to make/propose statistical analyses that help our clients according to their needs. The types of statistical analyses I have worked on are:

  • Optimization (Optimization)
  • Customer/ Store Segmentation (Customer/ Store Segmentation)
  • Pricing (Pricing)
  • Forecasting.

I have worked for clients who belong to retail, telecommunications, clothing, etc. I find that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work, and that my MSc has helped me a lot professionally. Also, my expectations from the MSc were fulfilled to a very high degree.”

Bartzis Georgios: “I completed my MSc studies in 2014. I am continuing my PhD studies at Leiden University Medical Center in collaboration with Wageningen University.My work focuses on the development of statistical methodology to integrate heterogeneous omics datasets to predict biomarkers. There is a strong demand for powerful and transparent statistical methods for combining and analysing heterogeneous datasets and, within LUMC and WUR, various technological platforms are being developed to enable high-throughput data acquisition for omics techniques such as metabolomics, glycomics, and proteomics. In addition to research, I will be involved in teaching biostatistics and statistical genetics to students and researchers.”

Bozoudis Michael:“I completed my studies at the MSc in 2013. I work in the Air Force as a Project Manager. I am a Project Manager in Greece. I find that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work and that the MSc has helped me a lot professionally. Finally, I consider that my expectations from the MSc have been fulfilled to a very large extent.”

Vassilis Niarchos: “I work at the National Bank of Greece, in the Consumer Credit Division, in the Portfolio Control Department. There we deal with operational risk assessment, cash flow forecasting, portfolio valuation and analysis of customer characteristics towards payment consistency. My job is mainly to produce a number of regular reports on the development of various figures and to prepare studies to forecast or account for financial policies.”

Papadimitriou Konstantinos Papadimitriou: “I work at HSBC bank, in the Marketing & Customer propositions department and my job is described by the title “CRMS and Research Analyst”. The main focus of my job is to investigate the specific characteristics of our customer base in order to identify their immediate and potential needs, categorise and approach each customer group through specific propositions and operations. Within the scope of my work is the creation of regular reports in order to monitor the achievement of the organization’s sales targets, analysis and assessment of the progress of the portfolio as well as continuous ad-hoc reports according to the needs of the management. Finally, within the responsibility of my team is the organization and management of the sales reward system for the store network executives.”

Papaspyrou Friday: “I work at Euler Hermes Emporiki/Credit Insurance which is a subsidiary of Emporiki Bank and is a risk management and underwriting company. I started there when I was selected as a student of the MSc “Applied Statistics” to do an internship at Euler Hermes Emporiki in the summer of 2007. Since November 2007 I have been employed by the company on an open-ended contract. I am responsible for managing changes to the computer system and for monitoring and controlling credit limits.”

Papastamoulis Panagiotis: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2005. I continued with PhD studies at the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science which I completed in 2010. Now, I am working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Manchester, as a member of Professor Magnus Rattray’s group at the University of Manchester. I am involved in developing Bayesian statistical methods for estimating the degree of expression of gene isoforms and testing hypothesis about the difference in their degree of expression using RNA-sequencing data. For this purpose I use (and develop) exclusively free software, as defined by the GNU General Public License. I consider the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc to be very useful in my work and the MSc has helped me a lot professionally. My expectations from the MSc were very much fulfilled.”

Rakitzis Athanasios: “I finished the MSc in Applied Statistics in 2004. Then, I continued for doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. I continued my PhD studies under the supervision of Professor Dimitrios Antzoulakos, which I completed in 2008. I have worked at the University of Central Greece, the University of the Aegean, the University of Cyprus and the Hellenic Open University, teaching courses in statistics and probability. I have also worked at the University of Nantes (France) as a postdoctoral researcher (Marie Curie fellow). Since August 2014, I am a Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean, where I teach probability and statistics courses, while conducting research in the area of Statistical Quality Control. Important activities of my work, apart from teaching and research, include publishing research results in international journals (mainly statistics/probability), supervising theses and participating in conferences.”

Stathakis Agisilaos: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2006. I have been working since 2008 for Hellenic Lloyd’s S.A. It is a classification society and has been active in the shipping industry for the last 250 years. Also, due to its experience in ship inspection, it is also active in the certification of the industry with ISO Quality Assurance Systems. The certification department is called LRQA Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. My work has to do with the certification of integrated management systems in the agricultural sector Agro 2 (Greek standard) & GlobalG.A.P. (German standard). I am responsible for the calculation of inspection man-days and its costs, the preparation of contracts & for the handling of databases. I am also responsible for issuing all LRQA certificates,”

Stathias George:“I completed my MSc studies in 2013. I work at the National Bank of Greece in the Operations Supervision Department. My work is about designing controls (basically safety valves) which reduce the operational risk faced by the branches of the National Bank of Greece network. I believe that the Master’s degree has helped me professionally a lot and that my expectations from the MSc were very much fulfilled.”

Stoyannos Spyridon – Nikolaos: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2010. I am working at IST sa and my main field of work is the implementation of ad-hoc software (analysis, design, development). I find that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are quite useful in my work and that the MSc has helped me a lot professionally. Finally, I consider that my expectations from the MSc were very much fulfilled.”

Tabaki Christina:“I completed my MSc studies in 2012. I work at the pharmaceutical company Novartis in the company’s general medicine department in terms of clinical trials, having the role of CTA (Clinical Trial Administrator). I consider that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are quite useful in my work, while I evaluate that the postgraduate diploma helped me a lot professionally. Finally, I consider that my expectations from the MSc have been fulfilled to a great extent.”

Triantafyllou Ioannis: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2005. I am a PhD student of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science and I work as a lecturer of Probability and Statistics in Higher and Higher Educational Institutions (University of Piraeus, Hellenic Open University and TEI of Athens). I consider that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work, while I evaluate that the Master’s degree helped me a lot professionally. Finally, I consider that my expectations from the MSc were very much fulfilled.”

Charalampopoulos Athanasios: “I have not yet completed my studies in the MSc. I work at IRI and my job is statistical market analysis. I think that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are quite useful in my work, and I evaluate that the Master’s degree helped me a lot professionally. Finally, I consider that my expectations from the MSc were fulfilled to a very large extent.”

Chorafa Georgia: “I completed my studies at the MSc in 2013. I work at Vodafone Greece with objects of my work:

  • The design and evaluation of marketing campaigns for corporate clients (Cross / Up-sell products, churn reduction)
  • The design of statistical models (logistic regression, survival analysis etc.) using SAS
  • Ad-hoc analyses, profiling of the corporate base in order to develop new products, tariffs and services using SAS, SPSS Modeler, SQL.

I think that the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc are very useful in my work, and that my Master’s degree has helped me a lot professionally. Also, my expectations from the MSc were fulfilled to a very large extent.”

Christos Fish:“I completed my MSc studies in 2018 and I work at IRi (Analytics Centre Of Excellence (ACE)) as a Data Analyst. The knowledge I gained from the MSc is particularly useful in my job where, to a large extent, I applied it directly, a result which proves the professional orientation of the programme and the work interface of the University with the professional sector. The Programme of Studies was very well organised and provided the opportunity for further specialisation through well-designed pathways.”

Pavlakis Konstantinos: After completing my undergraduate studies in the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science at the University of Piraeus, I enrolled in the MSc in Applied Statistics, which I completed in 2019.

Since then I have been working at the multinational company IBM as a Data Engineer. I am involved in a Business Intelligence project for a company in the aviation industry. The project includes the construction and implementation of a new Data Warehouse in order to produce complex reports through analyses and forecasts.

The role of my trial team within the project is initially to “translate” the client’s business information into code. In addition, we deal with the “loading” of primary information into the database, with the transformation of the data and their preparation in order to produce properly structured reports and forecasts.

I believe that through the postgraduate programme I gained useful knowledge and skills that helped me on a professional level. Moreover, the expectations I had when starting the MSc were largely fulfilled.

Danglis Christos: “I have not yet completed my studies in the MSc. I work at Teleperformance and my job is to monitor and analyse market trends, with the aim of facilitating decision-making and action plans for improvement. I consider the knowledge and skills I gained from the MSc to be quite useful in my work, and I assess that the MSc has helped me a lot professionally. Finally, I consider that my expectations from the MSc have been fulfilled to a great extent.”

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