Department of Statistics and Insurance Science

΄΄Στατιστικές Μέθοδοι στα Χρηματοοικονομικά΄΄
΄΄Στατιστικός Έλεγχος Ποιότητας΄΄

Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών στην
'' Εφαρμοσμένη Στατιστική ''

Κατεύθυνση : ΄΄ Βιοστατιστική΄΄
Από το Ακαδημαϊκό Έτος 2019-2020
Παρέχεται η δυνατότητα μερικής φοίτησης
΄΄Στατιστικές Μέθοδοι στην Επιστήμη Δεδομένων (Data Science)΄΄
Δυνατότητα Πρακτικής Άσκησης

Δυνατότητα για εξ αποστάσεως φοίτηση

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University of Piraeus



Program of Study

Employment Opportunities

Quality Policy of the Program

The Master Program in “Applied Statistics” in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of the University of Piraeus and in full alignment with the Quality Policy of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science as well as the University of Piraeus, is committed to:

  • Supporting the academic identity and orientation of its curriculum,
  • Promoting its objectives and in general the scientific field of Applied Statistics,
  • Implementing its strategic goals, and
  • Defining and adjusting, when necessary, the means and methods to achieve them.

To fulfill these commitments, the Master Program will apply the appropriate quality assurance procedures to ensure continuous improvement.

The Master Program in “Applied Statistics” aims to develop scientists specialized in Applied Statistics, equipped with the necessary qualifications and skills to be competitive in the National and International research and job markets. The primary objective is to provide graduates with a strong foundation in knowledge and scientific research methodologies, enabling them to continuously improve and advance in academia or the professional field.

The main objectives of the Program are:

  • To provide high-quality university education at the postgraduate level and continuously adapt the curriculum to scientific advancements in cutting-edge fields to meet societal needs.
  • To enhance research and innovation.
  • To establish connections with the job market.
  • To develop a supportive environment that ensures the necessary conditions for students, faculty, and administrative staff to achieve their goals.
  • To ensure quality assurance and continuous improvement of the Program’s procedures.

The Master Program in “Applied Statistics” implements a Quality Policy aimed at the continuous upgrading and improvement of all its processes and operations (educational, research, and administrative). All critical procedures are continuously monitored using quality indicators and are regularly reviewed to ensure ongoing enhancement.

The Program’s Quality Policy seeks to fulfill its Vision, Mission, and specific objectives. All members of the Program contribute substantially to its effective implementation.

The Program’s Quality Policy is communicated and disseminated to all involved members (students, faculty, and administrative staff) and is published on the website of the Program. This ensures that all members assume responsibility for quality assurance according to their respective roles.

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University of Piraeus

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