Methods of knowledge extraction from health data streaming
Month: September 2024
Elections for the election of student representatives and their alternates to the Assembly of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science
Notice Application
Thesis presentation S. Rampage
“Data mining from social network graphs
Presentation of the diploma thesis of H-I Aeginitis
Applications of Statistical Machine Learning in Motorsport
Thesis presentation Chr. Kuroukli
Supervised Machine Learning Methods for Estimating the Probability of Failure
Thesis presentation E. Liakopoulou
Statistical analysis of data on the incidence of cardiovascular disease
Thesis presentation C. Rabbit
Bayesian networks: methods and applications
Thesis presentation C. Trianti
Off-process statistical quality control: The combined formations
Call for the selection of scholars for second cycle (postgraduate) and third cycle (doctoral) studies 2023-2024 from the proceeds of the clergy. Pan. Triantaphyllides
Call for the selection of scholars for second cycle (postgraduate) and third cycle (doctoral) studies 2023-2024 from the proceeds of the clergy. Pan. Triantaphyllides
Payment of tuition fees
Payment of tuition fees