What explains the gender pay and pension gap in Europe? Applying the Oaxaca-Blinder degradation method
Category: Presentations
Thesis presentation D. Reader
Indirect impact of the pandemic on the health status of people aged 50+ in Europe
Thesis presentation Th. Papaconstantis
Construction of Artificial Neural Networks using Wolfram Mathematica
Thesis presentation by K. Kokkinopoulos
Statistical forecasting models in human resource management
Thesis presentation L. Kingdom of
Evaluation of Basketball Teams with Machine Learning Techniques
Thesis presentation S. Sotirchos
Exploiting Real World Data Applying Machine Learning Techniques
Presentation of Despina Chatzoglou’s thesis
Study of the subscales that make up the EUROD depression scale
Presentation of Magdalene Flouri’s thesis
Use of analgesic drugs by patients suffering from epilepsy
Thesis presentation B. Golden
NBA regular season and playoffs_ comparison and predictions with statistical methods
Presentation of thesis Anat. Galiatsatou
Statistical Machine Learning and Image Analysis in Brain Cancer