Machine Learning Applications in Genomics
Category: Presentations
Presentation of M-D Koulouri’s thesis
Machine learning applications in Alzheimer’s disease
Thesis presentation E. Papaioannou
Evaluation of individual and team performance in basketball games
Thesis presentation A. Patμίου
The dose-response model and its applications in biostatistics
Presentation of the thesis Antonopoulou Kon/na
Mixed data clustering techniques
Presentation of the thesis of Parthenopoulos Philippou
Statistical classification models with application to the detection of complications in normal fetal development and good health
Thesis presentation B. Vlara
Investigation of factors associated with the occurrence of heart attacks
Thesis presentation P. Beers
Machine Learning Applications in Shipping
Thesis presentation E. Franzeskakis
Optimizing the Management of Health Services using Data Analytics and Machine Learning Methods
Thesis presentation A. Batsu
Socioeconomic inequalities and health during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe